
Monthly spending calculator
Monthly spending calculator

The amount in the ‘Current’ column is the amount you get every fortnight for each allowance.

monthly spending calculator

The earnings section of your payslip lists any allowances you receive. Note: From, service, trainee, reserve and uniform allowances will be rolled into a single ‘Military salary’. If you need help reading your payslip, see the ADF guide on Pay and Allowances. Your base salary can be found at the top of your payslip on the right, listed as ‘Annual salary’. Your pay consists of a base salary, with the addition of employment-related allowances. Private health insurance covers some or all of the cost of a range of services not covered by Medicare, for example, a private hospital and the doctor of your choice, as well as ancillary services such as dental, optical and physiotherapy, not covered by Medicare. ADF members don’t pay the Medicare levy, currently 2% of taxable income. Medicare covers the costs of being admitted to hospital as a public patient, some of the fees charged by GPs and other medical professionals, and subsidised prescription costs for medicines listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

monthly spending calculator

For example, what would it cost you for private health insurance, prescriptions, physiotherapist, dentist, specialist visits, gym membership or other fitness related costs? Medicare and private health insurance To put a value on these benefits, think about what you might be paying for if you were not an ADF member.


Serving ADF members receive a range of healthcare benefits, including free medical and dental treatments, rehabilitation services, psychological support and access to fitness facilities like gyms, pools and sporting fields.

Monthly spending calculator